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SC Predictions for Pick 3 Pick 4 24/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in August Pick 3 Cash 3 Lottery Predictions, Calendar-Based Predictions, Lottery Predictions.
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My hunch for the SC Pick 3 and Pick 4 draws today August 24 are:

For Pick 4: 8842  8442 8224 7638  1755  1775  1715

For Pick 3 : I’m thinking a two digit return from the 512 or 73x, 15x, 12x. To narrow your selections, take a look at the Pick 3 All states (previous post). My website also has additional all states plays here:


Good luck players–

BTW, Did you know that today is a very good day to win the lottery?


Lottery Predictions Pick 3 Cash 3 for August 24 24/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in August 2009 Lottery Predictions All States, Lottery Predictions.

Here’s a new all states workout for Pick 3 Cash 3 lotteries in all states, today August 24. It is a 9 main plays workout with additional complementary plays also noted.

9-N-My-Favor for Pick 3

843  840  841

764  760  761

176  170  171

Auxiliary Optional Plays:

844  464  766  776  177  173

The Pick 4 Version is posted here

Also, if you are not an “all states” player and want to use this workout in your state, I suggest you consider the additional combos listed below, ie. the full workout:

839  840  841  842  843  844  845

760  761  762  763  764  765  766

172  173  174  175  176  177  178

170  171  144  146  795

Talk back (with a comment)  if any of these digits show up in your state today!

September Lottery Cheat Sheet Needs Beta Testers… 23/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in Lottery Cheat Sheets.
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Our September Cheat Sheet for All States is now available.

This month we will be doing beta tests to see what states might benefit from this calendar based workout.

Get the details at: http://tinyurl.com/cheatsheetjcsept

It’s late so we’ll have to talk more tomorrow….

But, you know, tomorrow is going to be a great day to win the lottery.

Pick up you Cheat Sheet here….http://tinyurl.com/cheatsheetjcsept


Lottery Predictions for August 23: Pick 3 Cash 3 Allstates 23/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in August Pick 3 Cash 3 Lottery Predictions.
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Here’s two of my favorite lottery prediction tools and workouts for today. Pick either or both to play your all states lotteries.

Broad Stroke

156  235  823

843  764  176


Above are your main trios for Pick 3 today in all states. Your main pairs for today come from those 8 combos, too.

Now for the Eagles Fly Everyday Predictions Workout  for 23 August:

156   356  435  023

601  801  980  578

843  643  564  976

398  198  019  421

Complementary Plays:

223  123  323  332  611  661  881  811  983  988  119  319  919

Good Luck Players….!

All States Lottery Predictions for August 22 22/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in Lottery Predictions, Uncategorized.
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Good Day Any Day

A Tri-Calendar Lottery Prediction System

for Pick 3 Cash 3

All States Main Combos Today

August 22–Non Leap Year



322 266

[Get Your All States Pairs  and Trios for Pick 3 and Pick 4 From the Main Digits Above]

Choose any one of these 3 workouts for your all-states plays.

All States–August 22

From the Julian Calendar Collection

JC Pocket Change 20

August 22

Non Leap Year





















Some Bonus Comps:

723 102 301 501 999 997 886 797 559 959 448 045

SC/NC/GA Hits:

From the Tri-Calendar Collection

Tri-C Bare Bones 12

Allstates for August 22

155  600  844  399

266  711  733   288

322  877  677  122

Some complements (ie 7=4, 1=0, 6=9=6, 0=#it is adjacent to:

660 666 990 999 411 644  844  622  922

include all double mates, ie 155=115, etc.

DayBreak LE- MPA 12

DayBreak 12

22 August













Optional Complementary Plays:

612  497  887  187  822  821  823  924  176

For More Daily Lottery Predictions for August 22, click here to visit Carolina Lottery Systems.

Hello world! 22/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in General Information.
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Welcome to SBIP$999’s Lottery Predictions blog.

Your first all states predictions are coming soon.

Lottery Predictions for All States 8 August 2009 08/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in August 2009 Lottery Predictions All States.
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The Tri-C 36 — A Tri-Calendar All States Lottery Prediction System for Pick 3 / Cash 3 for 8 August is now posted at Carolina Lottery Systems.

Tri-C MS 36 for Pick 3 Cash 3

Use any of these three workouts for your all states drawings.

DayBreak MS-12

141 696 858 303

199 644 800 355

241 796 758 203

Bonus Plays: 333 880 223 233

Julian MS-12

220 775 779 224

033 588 966 411

253 708 746 291

Bonus Plays: 222 333 788

Greg MS-12

808 353 191 646

433 988 566 011

332 887 667 112

Bonus Plays: 888 111 949 322

Julian Calendar Lottery Workout for All States Just Released 03/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in Lottery Workouts -- All States.
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Need an all states workout for Pick 3?

Well you’re in luck. Carolina Lottery Systems just released the Julian Calendar Lucky Expanded system (JC-RE). And it is free.

This calendar-based system is a true value for the serious lottery player who needs a new tool for picking the hits.
The workout produces only 12 main combinations for you to play in your pick 3 cash 3 daily lottery games. You can even do some backtesting to see if the workout likes your state. The workout comes with step by step instructions, and because it is calendar based, you can do your workouts once a week or once a year (if you have some time on your hands), so you will always have it available in a crunch.
The Julian Calendar is a premium workout previously only available to our VIP Club members, so I think it is something you will be able to put to good use right away, especially if you are an all states player.
Just click on “Lottery Systems” once you arrive at Carolina Lottery Systems .
Then don’t forget to come back here and let us know what you think. Your comments are always welcomed.
Hey, don’t forget … today is a very good day to win the lottery!

SBIP$999’s Lottery Predictions All States for 1 August 2009 01/08/2009

Posted by sbip999 in August 2009 Lottery Predictions All States.
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Allstate lottery predictions for August 1 are now posted at http://tinyurl.com/0801allstates.

There are four distinct calendar-based workouts to choose from. Pick the one that has numbers corresponding to your other workouts, or do a backtest on today’s date to see if your state has had any hits from the posted numbers in previous years. Since these are calendar based workouts, it stands to reason that the numbers that have a habit of showing on this date from year to year will be consistent with just a little flucuation.

To do a backtest to see if any of the workouts might prove profitable in your state, here’s what you need to do:

  • Click on one of the links to one of the workouts once you visit: http://tinyurl.com/0801allstates . Choose a date in late July that has predictions posted or choose today’s date, and open the page.
  • Go to your state’s official lottery site using a second browser window and find the date you selected.
  • Check to see if your state’s drawing had any of the numbers we listed for that particular date. Do this for the same date in previous years, i.e. 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006.
  • If it turns out that there were “hits” on that date in any year or several years, then it could mean that the “all states” workout might prove profitable in your state. The other way to do it is to forward test by checking the current predictions each day for a few drawings and note if there are any hits from the workout in your state, then decide if the workout is one you want to try.
    That’s all there is to it. Once you have determined that a workout has hits from the previous years, the chances are likely that it will continue to have hits from that particular calendar/workout.
    Right now I’m using three calendars for the workouts in the hopes that one of them will be right for you and your state. The DayBreak 36 and the Bare Bones workout both contain a combination of all three calendars.
    Today is a very good day to win the lottery!
    sbip$999 out–

  • Pick 3 All States for July 10 … 10/07/2009

    Posted by sbip999 in Pick 3 Daily All States - July 2009.
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    10 July 2009

    Mathematically Speaking

    v225 114 119 164 169 664 669
    Here’s what the combos may look like in All States Today

    114/144 669/699 885/855 330/300/301/331

    Yesterday the section above was not posted, but 5 hits came off it so I’m posting today. This workout is still new.

    Main Pairs “All States” for Today: 14x, 19x, 11x, 66x, 99x, 16x

    Rules of Engagement: Any number that can change, will.
    Flip all 6s to 9s and all 9s to 6s. Include all complements on doubles, ie 066=006=099=009=069. 0s often equals 1 or 3. When 0 sits nexts to a number, it often changes to become the number it is positioned next to. Since zero means nothing, it often gets shoved around and overthrown.
    Here are 2 workouts for 10 July, 2009
    All States


    000 M00 001



    Following all rules of engagement, the above workout produced about 17 All States Hits Yesterday.


    RTRE-MPA-003NRAS-/+ Extension



    You will note there is a +1/-1 action off the main 4 combos. You can add more lines depending on the draw at midday. If the midday number in your state is obviously from a line, say 1 above your last line going down, go ahead and add that line. It could mean more draws will come from that line. For example, lines in gray above are added lines. The more lines you have, the more hits you have, generally speaking. See example here: http://www.lotterypost.com/blogentry/31143

    I did not tabulate all the hits from the workout above yesterday but there were at least 10.

    Both of these workouts fared well for SC hits yesterday, yielding boths its draws. NC took one hit off the workout listed above, but did not get a hit off the top workout.

    At any rate, good luck everyone.